Nutritional Advice

I offer nutritional advice as part of my service. Personal trainers are educated to be nutritional advisors, this means we are NOT dieticians, however we are trained to guide you towards adopting a healthy, balanced diet.

Common Sense, Healthy Eating for Lasting Results.

A strong and healthy body isn't just created in the gym. Your body is also the product of the food you eat and the nutrients you provide it with. It doesn't matter how hard you workout, if you fail to eat properly you will not see results. Good nutrition isn't just essential for weight loss, it's essential for muscle building, improved sporting performance and a wealth of fitness goals.

Regardless of your goals the nutritional advice remains the same. Calorie intake may adjust and the proportions of macronutrients will alter to meet the needs of your goals but a healthy, balanced diet is recommended for all goals.


The Issues with Big Brand Diet Programmes.

You may have previously dieted, perhaps using Weight Watchers, Slimming World or similar. There is no doubt that such diets can and do work but for many they fail to create a lasting change and sustained weight loss. Many dieters find themselves regaining weight after returning to their old eating habits. Such programmes concentrate on weight loss rather than health, they fail to alter the client's attitude to food and they fail to sufficiently educate regarding healthy eating. Stories are common of people storing up points by starving during the day so they can consume a bottle of wine on an evening. This is not healthy or sustainable.

The nutritional advice I offer as part of my programmes aims to re-educate and to permanently improve your eating patterns, moving your eating preferences towards a healthy balanced diet. Creating healthy habits, not restrictions. I use no severe calorie cutting and no fad diet tactics. You will eat simple, healthy meals based around the guidelines below. Following the healthy nutrition advice below will leave you feeling full and energised. It is only when we start to eat a truly healthy diet that we realise how awful what we were eating was making us feel. From here, once the change has been made, people rarely want to go back.

Nutritional Guidance Includes


Foods to Avoid

Foods to Eat

"The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison. Choose wisely."
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