Peri-Menopause and Menopause Personal Training

Peri-menopause signals a time when our body starts to become intolerant of excess stress, neglect or abuse. We are forced to apply self-care or suffer the consequences. If we continue to subject our bodies to stress, poor nutrition, sleep deprivation, excess alcohol and refined carbohydrates the symptoms of menopause really can become quite intolerable.

Rather than feeling negative about menopause, we can reframe the experience and use these transitional years as a time to focus on well-being, self-reflection, self-care and personal growth. During this time we can prioritise nourishing ourselves with wholesome delicious foods, we can set strong personal boundaries and ensure we remain rested, relaxed and strong to face the demands that this time of life places upon us.

I am qualified to train clients through peri-menopause and menopause. I focus on the points below to ensure that the women I train are in the best possible shape to experience a positive menopause.

The Focus of Menopause Training

CHAT TO ME... 07792 217 687
"Peri-menopause and menopause are natural stages in life, a time for true self discovery and personal growth. A time to prioritise ourselves, to acknowledge and fall in love with the strength, power, life experience and wisdom that our bodies and minds have gained over the years."
LET'S HAVE A CHAT...07792 217 687